4 Beauty Hacks for Busy Mommies

Between meltdowns and story times, spilled milk and toys all over the floor, you feel blessed to finish the day in one piece. Yeah we get it. Getting ready in the morning with kids to look after leaves mommies with no ‘me’ time. To make you life simpler we are sharing in this blog our four favorite beauty hacks.

Beauty Hacks

Mommies’ on-the-go here are some simplest beauty hacks for you to preen & pamper yourself.

  1. Make up on the move- Aside from diamonds we are pretty sure that make-up is women’s best friend. So, in your purse keep your entire make up basics. Don’t forget to keep a stash of lip gloss and perfume. Lip gloss can double up as a blush and few sprays of perfume can add instant glamour to even a pale look. Again, if you have zilch time then give a skip to eyeliner, mascara, blush, brows-just apply a long-lasting lipstick in a bright color. A well applied lipstick is the easiest beauty heck and amps up the glam quotient.
  2. Mini Wax Strips- Nothing says shabby like a bushy eyebrow or armpits. If you are in a rush and have no time for a trip to parlor then these mini wax strips are your savior. So, keep enough stock of these ready-to- use mini wax strips for instant hair removal. These are handy, economical and can give you a prim and proper look within no time.
  3. Dry Shampoo- Let’s say you need to head immediately for an office meeting or a lunch date but your hair are looking dull and sticky. Well taking a head bath is an ideal option but in case you don’t have enough time to take shower and dry your hair – then this dry shampoo hack is just for you. It is a dry mixture that is meant to absorb oil and odor from your hair while giving you a little more-no-wash time. Dry shampoo is an awesome thing when you can’t take showers.
  4. Cotton balls or Wipes- After a busy day it is difficult to take out time for removing make-up. But using this beauty hack will give your skin much benefit in the long run like not having to deal with acne, discoloration or any other skin problem caused by sleeping with the make-up on. You can you either wipes or dip a cotton ball in the cleansing milk, to get rid of any trace of make up within 30 seconds. Try this make-up miracle and see the brightness on your skin when you wake up in the morning.